首 页>喜剧片>超级吉普赛流氓
  • 超级吉普赛流氓

  • 主演:史蒂文·伯克夫  大卫·勒格诺  
  • 状态:正片
  • 导演:Ricky  Grover  
  • 年份:2011
  • 地区:英国
  • 更新:2023-09-03 20:56
  • 简介:英国最强的男人在16年牢狱生活之后被放了出来,一个热爱英国的美国电影制片人找到他,开始了一段搞笑的英国黑帮生活拍摄之旅  After sixteen years at Her Majesty's Pleasure, Britain's hardest man is released from prison, and into the care of a documentary film crew headed by a Brit-loving American film-maker who follow him for the next week, on an hilarious roller-coaster tour of gangland London and beyond.  A fast moving, star studded, roller coaster ride of violence, madness and mayhem in this gritty British crime film. Bulla is the 'Big Fat Gypsy Gangster', labelled the most dangerous man in Britain. After serving sixteen years at her majesty's pleasure, Bulla is out on the streets again, but things start to go wrong from the moment he steps out and finds that he's lost everything on the outside world. Fleeced by the same corrupt copper that put him behind bars, even his favourite 'Aunt Queenie' is about to lose the roof from over her head; in Bulla's world family is everything. It's time for Bulla to fight back. Get ready for a white knuckle ride into London's underworld as the most dangerous man in Britain sets about reclaiming his crime empire.

  • 网络云播
  • 人民万岁0.0HD国语
  • 小小恶信件0.0HD中字
  • 美国黑人魔法协会0.0HD中字
  • 挑战0.0HD中字
  • 忘年成长营0.0HD中字
  • 天下无敌20230.0HD国语